How about curry if you feel your physical strength has dropped!

A tweet from the director of the Cosmo Clinic!
Blogger version

It's super hot ~ ☀️

Are you eating only ice cream in this heat?

Some people visit the Cosmo Clinic

Many people have lost their appetite

And those who have a summer cold,

It ’s better to refrain from raw food!

Many people have gastroenteritis!

Well, when you have a cold, curry rice bowl

India is a hot country ...

Speaking of India, you think of curry

Spice is appetizing.

I felt like my physical strength had dropped.

I saw a cutlet curry made in the hospital

Sucking meat at a skewer cutlet!


I also made meat sucking

Despite being reproduced, it was delicious (laughs)

Meat sucking is not eaten as soup

There seems to be another way to eat ~ ❤️

 If it ’s hot and you eat cold things

I'll cool my stomach!

I understand my feelings!

Because it ’s this heat

 #Director #Do your best #Summer Bates #Summer Bates Prevention #Food #Favorites #Models #Appetite #Fun #Fun Dinner

Everyone looks fine ... nostalgic (^ _-)-☆The director of the Cosmo Clinic in Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, is the former all-Japan champion of rhythmic gymnastics when he was a student! I experienced a lot of injuries and lived a bedridden life due to a broken neck in a traffic accident when I was a salaried worker. It is the ninth year. The treatment results imitate more than 27,000 treatment results in the life of a 15-year therapist. Solve your physical problems!

YouTube 教えてテルちゃん!

YouTube 小宇宙ひめかの気になった話



After all, this world is "Human bastion is horse"

