Treat the staff to Okinawan food with a reward!

Cosmo Clinic (Cosmo Acupuncture Massage Clinic)
Tweet from the director!
Blogger version

Go lightly with the staff


How much is the time series shifted (laugh)

It's already the end of the month (laughs)

During Golden Week, all banks will stop

It was impatient that deposits such as accounts receivable were delayed ...

Is staff paying in time?

I was ready and hot

He suggested that they go with the staff.

There were a lot of reservations and the staff were so tired ...

Round up early, about 30 minutes

I go to the staff and rice.

He helped the director with a lot of tasks ...

We talked about our strategy and had a meeting.

Because it is an information society, if its collection ability is low, it will be overtaken by rivals

To put it the other way around, it can also protrude to the point.

This time, take me to Okinawan cuisine

It's quite difficult to take the staff

The staff at this time's first Okinawan restaurant

I was pleased that it was delicious

Let's do our best in May!

This member is really impressed


director of the Cosmo Clinic in Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, is the former all-Japan champion of rhythmic gymnastics when he was a student! I experienced a lot of injuries and lived a bedridden life due to a broken neck in a traffic accident when I was a salaried worker. It is the ninth year. The treatment results imitate more than 27,000 treatment results in the life of a 15-year therapist. Solve your physical problems!

YouTube 教えてテルちゃん!

YouTube 小宇宙ひめかの気になった話



After all, this world is "Human bastion is horse"

